So 2014 is finally here!!!
Happy new year to my lovely followers and readers:) Did you have a good Christmas and New Year's Eve?
I know it's January 7th so it's been 2014 for a week now. I'm a bit late but I thought it would be a pretty good idea to write my bucket list or must do's for 2014. 2013 gave me a lot of good and fun memories and many first experiences too, I went abroad for the first time, traveled to London for the first time, holidayed in South Korea etc... 2013 was a pretty good year for me, though a good year of course it also came with some regrets and bad times too but good memories over shadowed any bad time thankfully:)
At the beginning of every year everyone seems to make new years resolutions I've made some in the past but seemed to give up or fail after a few months. I'm sure I'm not the only one right? So I've decided to make 2014 the year of change! A year where I stick to what I start, not give up. To try and achieve most if not all of the list below...... So I hope that we can all support each other in our own new year resolutions.
Happy new year to my lovely followers and readers:) Did you have a good Christmas and New Year's Eve?
I know it's January 7th so it's been 2014 for a week now. I'm a bit late but I thought it would be a pretty good idea to write my bucket list or must do's for 2014. 2013 gave me a lot of good and fun memories and many first experiences too, I went abroad for the first time, traveled to London for the first time, holidayed in South Korea etc... 2013 was a pretty good year for me, though a good year of course it also came with some regrets and bad times too but good memories over shadowed any bad time thankfully:)
At the beginning of every year everyone seems to make new years resolutions I've made some in the past but seemed to give up or fail after a few months. I'm sure I'm not the only one right? So I've decided to make 2014 the year of change! A year where I stick to what I start, not give up. To try and achieve most if not all of the list below...... So I hope that we can all support each other in our own new year resolutions.
- Lose weight, not for vanity reasons but for health reason. I suffer from PCOS (Poloycystic Ovarian Syndrome) Losing weight will help with any side effects and pains I currently suffer from.
- Learn Korean! I started learning last year on and off but not fully committing myself to the language. Being a native English speaker Korean is super hard for me also I suck at English grammar so really gotta hit the books hard. what with visiting Seoul last year I really wanted to speak with the locals so I was super frustrated with myself for not studying :(
- Travel more! I officially caught the travel bug in 2013 ㅋㅋ
- Pay off credit card seriously must do this by June!!!
- Save money for 2015 Future plan for 2015 is... travel back to South Korea and learn Korean in a language school, for a few month while also travelling around the country.
- YouTube Start a YouTube channel devoted to my love for Korea / my language learning journey.
- Blog more!!!!! I really need to stop neglecting my blog. I don't mean to seriously I was super busy last year especially toward the end of the year. Sorry please forgive me guys!
What are your new years resolutions?
Are they similar or the same as mine?
Leave a message and let me know, I hope we can support each other in our new years resolutions everyone:)
Until next time have fun and stay healthy^^
bye bye
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